ST Luke’s Salesian Mission – Maputsoe
St Luke’s Salesian Mission in Maputsoe, is situated on the border of South Africa near Ficksburg. The Salesians here are responsible for St Luke’s Parish – one of the largest missions in the diocese of Leribe. There are also pre-schools, primary and high schools which are animated in partnership with the Salesian Sisters, who also run the Mazzarello Craft Centre where girls with less academic aptitude learn sewing and tailoring skills.
Our aim is to provide all the children in our care with a viable future, which they can anticipate with confidence and a sense of self-worth. We give them assistance to become proficient in as many skills as they possibly can. Together with acquiring social skills, they will learn about motivation; their self-esteem and value in the community; and their ability to solve problems.
ST. Mary Mazzarello Vocational Training Centre
The practical skills taught here are domestic and industrial sewing and hand machine knitting, and a variety of textile crafts. Small business studies, health and economy, leadership training, English and Religious Knowledge are the supporting subjects.
After three years of periodic assessment all students are presented with a Certificate recording their achievement.
Sacred Heart Mission – Ha Seleso – Maseru – Lesotho
Ha Seleso is one of the small villages on the south of Maseru, the capital of Lesotho and the Salesian Fathers were asked to help out in this village. A house was built for the community and the grounds provided a place for the young people to learn, to play and to pray.
Archbishop Gerard Tlali Lerotholi blessed the newly built house, on 29 of January 2012.
The Church grounds are now frequented by youth and children of all ages. Among the many activities that take place just next to the Church on the playground, next to the parish office, the most popular game is soccer. The soccer champions also lead in the Church as altar servers. Games are held indoors like chess, drafts, Chinese checkers, Morabaraba (Lesotho traditional game) etc.
One of the features of Ha Seleso village and the Mission is the children from St Angela’s Cheshire Home for disabled children, they are the heart of our prayers and every celebration.
Slowly but surely the dream of Don Bosco takes shape in Ha Seleso, educating the youth through sport, games, religion, joy and loving kindness.
How can you help?
Maputsoe and Maseru Oratories are greatly in need of financial assistance in order to improve the facilities and to feed and train the young people who come to these centres.
Mary Mazzarello Training Centre is heavily dependent on funding although we do have a retail outlet to sell school uniforms and other items made by the students. We aim at being self-sufficient, but are still far from it as retrenchment from the mines and massive unemployment in the male population, has led the women to assume migratory tendencies and to work in the textile and shoe industries. If you are able to help give these women a sense of dignity and future employment, in order to provide for their families and if you are able to help us please visit our donations page, thank you.
Thank you so much for taking the time to browse around our web site – which projects just a touch of the enormous challenges we face and work with, an impossible undertaking without your financial assistance. If you are interested in more detailed information on any given project, or want to simply make contact, please do so by filling in the form below – the information is strictly confidential and will not be used for spam or redistribution.
Denise Hards: missionoffice@bucknet.co.za
Fax: +27 (0)11 476 8315
” S a l e s i a n M i s s i o n s a r e e t e r n a l l y g r a t e f u l f o r a l l s u p p o r t & d o n a t i o n s t o w a r d s o u r m i s s i o n p r o j e c t s”