Ennerdale: All Saints Catholic Church
Address: Cnr 1st Ave / Ormson St. Ennerdale, 1830.
Telephone: 011 855 1009
Parish Priest: Fr Marian Kulig SDB
Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri 06h00 – 06h30,
Wed 19h30.
Sat (for Sun) 17h00,
Sun 07h15 and 09h30
Hanover Park: Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Church 1972
Address: 111 Hanover Park Avenue, Hanover Park.
Telephone: 021 692 1375
Parish Priest: Fr Jonathan Daniels SDB
Sat (for Sun) 18h00,
Sun 08h00, 10h30
Mon/Wed/Fri 08h30
Confessions: Sat 09h00 – 10h00, 17h00 – 18h00
Devotions: Novena Wed08h30.
Lansdowne: Our Lady Help of Christians Catholic Church 1924
Address: 310 Lansdowne Road, Lansdowne
Telephone: 021 696 2903
Parish Priest: Fr. Bonginkosi Nhleko SDB
Sat (for Sun) 18h30, Sun 08h00, 10h30. 19h00 (June – Sept 18h30)
Mon – Fri 06h30, 09h00,
Sat 08h30
Confessions: Sat 09h00 – 10h00, 17h00 – 18h00
Devotions: Novena Wed 09h00, Exposition 1st Fri 19h00
Morning Prayer Sat 08h00, Rosary 09h30 daily.
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” S a l e s i a n M i s s i o n s a r e e t e r n a l l y g r a t e f u l f o r a l l s u p p o r t & d o n a t i o n s t o w a r d s o u r m i s s i o n p r o j e c t s”