We support the apostolate of Don Bosco and endeavour to find funds to support projects that address the plight of disadvantaged youth living in Southern Africa whilst striving to spread the spirituality of Don Bosco and the apostolic aspect of Salesian work.

Since its inception in 1990, funds raised by Salesian Missions Southern Africa, have, on an ongoing basis assisted disadvantaged youth in Cape Town, Gauteng, Lesotho and Eswatini. Please see our educational and evangelical projects pages for in-depth information.

St. Francis de Sales, the zealous pastor and doctor of charity, inspired Don Bosco by his optimistic humanism and his complete dedication to the pastoral care of souls. In 1854 he declared: “The Madonna wishes that we begin a Society. I have decided to call ourselves Salesians. Let us put ourselves under the protection of St. Francis de Sales, so that we may obtain his extraordinary gentleness.” In 1854, Don Bosco gave the name ‘Society of St. Francis de Sales’ to the first band of 17 young men who wished to follow him in his work for …


The Salesian Mission Office of Southern Africa is proud to show you the projects that are up and running due entirely to the funding we receive. A big thank you to those who support us.

Our aim, through education and skills training, is to provide men, women and children with a viable future from which they can anticipate with confidence, a sense of self-worth. Our mission is “A hand up, not a hand out,” so that people, who come from extremely poor backgrounds, might have a chance of overcoming their misery.


Thank you so much for taking the time to browse around our web site – which projects just a touch of the enormous challenges we face and work with, an impossible undertaking without your financial assistance. If you are interested in more detailed information on any given project, or want to simply make contact, please do so by filling in the form below – the information is strictly confidential and will not be used for spam or redistribution.

Denise Hards:    missionoffice@bucknet.co.za
Fax:       +27 (0)11 476 8315

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